We are now on Day 5 post bone marrow transplant. Jodie is doing great!!! The only trouble so far was on Day 1, she had a very severe sinus headache during the night, the congestion and sinus pressure even caused swelling in the right side of her face. But after some pain medicine, Benadryl and a good nights rest she was feeling better by the morning.
Overall, Jodie has a good appetite and her energy level is up. She's usually good for a couple of walks during the day too. We can't get her outside or around crowds of people yet, so she's just walking around the bone marrow transplant floor.
For now, Jodie will remain in the hospital for at least a couple of more weeks, the doctors need to see the bone marrow start to graft and watch for something called Graft vs. Host disease. If all goes well, she will then get discharged from the hospital, but stay locally in Houston for another couple of months for regular visits to the hospital and follow up with the doctors.
A few praises and prayer requests:
-Jodie's mom visited us in the hospital this weekend, it was great to see her.
-White cell donors, thanks to all of you who have considered and are even going through the process of donating white cells for Jodie
-We praise God for the skill and expertise of the doctors and nurses here at the hospital.
-Pray that the new bone marrow starts to graft soon and shows signs of producing normal blood cells.
-Pray for good health for our kids back home in Dallas. They are well taken care of by Jodie's sister Joyce and their mom.
Blessings to all,
The Gees
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10